I had to compare my little attempt at a Christmas tree to the gorgeous creation that appeared on the Lilly blog today. I live in a small apartment with 2 other girls and we are only here for part of the holidays before we go home, so I talked myself out of going wild on a Christmas tree. I wish I hadn't done that after seeing this one!
One of the few crafts that I have done this Christmas was the tree skirt. I went to Joann's and got the white fabric that has white holly leaves on it, and cut that in a circle. Then I traced a small hole in the center to go around the tree and cut a straight line going out to the edge. I hot glued the boa around the edge. Then to finish it off, I used tacky glue and some light pink glitter to make my monogram in the middle. The project took me all of about 30 minutes and couldn't have cost more than $10 (and that's including a new glue gun!). This would be an easy and inexpensive way to change a tabletop tree every year without have to change all of the ornaments.
I used small hot pink ornament that I found at Hobby Lobby and accented them with the pink and green holiday ribbon that was featured on the First Day of Christmas. Some of the ornaments and ribbon I already had, so I just mixed and matched them. The larger silver balls are monogrammed with a darker silver sharpie with my initials, surrounded by pink and green polka dots. There is pink and green sequined garland, along with a strand of pearls, that wraps around the entire tree. Then to top it off I added the lime green bow that matches the bow my wreath.
Next year, I am going to make sure to have some Lilly fabric on hand so that I can create my own Lilly ornaments! And I will not be settling for the little tabletop tree! Oh and did I mention lights?! I have to have those too.
Here are the pictures for the Lilly blog that show their ornaments up close...

I cannot wait to go home and see my family's Christmas tree. It is just a hodgepodge of ornaments that my siblings and I have made or collected, but there is still something really special about it.
Aww your tree skirt is so cute. I love the feather boa around it! I've been working on my tree too, but it's definitely not as fabulous as the Lilly one! I need to get it all fixed up soon. Yay for ribbons and pink :)
Your tree is darling!
Awww, your tree is darling! Love your blog name by the way and we have the same philosophy about pink and green b/c under my blog header I USE to have written "Pink and green are not just colors, they are a way of life" (I may change it back to that)...
So true!
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