I had what I would like to call an "interesting" weekend. One night in particular stood out from the rest. On Saturday I decided to go out with one of the girls from my class to the annual fraternity boxing tournament. It is a HUGE deal. All the girls get really dressed up and the guys sit with their fraternity. Anyways, this was my first year to go because I have been out of town at horse shows, so I didn't know what to expect. I must say that I was disappointed, except for the fact that I looked really cute :) This was pretty much confirmed by the story that I am about to tell...
The night started out very normal. We went to grab some dinner and then made our way over to the tournament. I was amazed that people would pay $15 per night to get in the door to be miserably hot. Everyone in the place was sweating profusely which I found to be highly unattractive. The "fighting" was not even amusing at all. Yes, I had fun seeing everyone that I know, but still... it was disappointing.
Things really started to get interesting when we made it out to the bars. Yet again, I saw everyone that I knew, but since I was hanging out with a new person I got to meet some of her friends as well! We sat down at a table of 4 [very good looking] guys that she happened to know. It turns out that I was from the same hometown as 2 of them, so we had a lot to talk about. While I was sitting there talking to them, another [gross, hot, sweaty] guy came up to the table and start rubbing all over me! EXCUSE ME!? Somehow we managed to fend off Creeper #1.
I continued to talk to one of the [really nice, awesome] guys until the bar closed and it was time for us to head to our next destination. Now, Creeper #2 came into the picture during the first car ride. He flat out turned to me and said "so when are we going to make out?" EXCUSE ME!? Considering I had no clue who this guy was and didn't even know his name, that was not in my plans for the evening. I was polite and said "no thanks".
We hung out at a friend's house for a little bit, when Creeper #3 hit on me in the 2nd car ride. Want to know the best part of this dude... he is married!! EXCUSE ME?! No thank you! I am not a homewrecker.
So then to top off my weekend, I wake up with an unidentified rash... that has turned out to be something that I picked up from the boxing tournament! My pharmacist loved when I started out the conversation with... "Well, I went to this fraternity boxing tournament last night and I woke up with this?!" He laughed and gave me some cream. And I cracked my phone after having dropped it one to many times. Now I am going to have a ghetto phone until August when I get another upgrade.
After this whole long, drawn out post... I never heard back from the guy that I talked to all night, and I was definitely interested in hearing back from him, since he was the one, non-creeper of the entire night! Oh well, better luck next time :) I was still flattered by all the attention!